¿De qué Color Es el Mundo?  (What Color Is the World?)



Air Date:  1st of December 1979

Fun Fact:  The program inaugurated Color TV in Venezuela

Written by Orlando Araujo

Directed by Betty Kaplan

Produced by Paola Franchini

Staring Boris Chacón & Amanda Gutiérrez

Run time:  One hour

Shot in the different regions of Venezuela it is a story of a simple girl who lives in the world of black and white (Amanda) who is introduced to the symbolic world of color ,of the soul and of the land, by a magical lovesick Elf, “COLORIN” (Boris). Life, love, sadness, jealousy, hope and pain are blue, red, green, yellow white, gray or black . He takes her on a magical mystery tour of the colors of Venezuela, the blue waters of the Caribbean, the lion color of the rapids of the Orinoco river, the yellow of the Sand Dunes of Coro, the green of the jungles and the incandescent red of the hot iron, the silver light of the vibrant sculptures of Alejandro Otero and to the black of death. But, in the jungles of green, Amanda meets a boy and they fall in love. Colorin feels the pangs of envy and thrusts Amanda back to the world of black and white. Only when she does a good deed, does Colorin realize, he is being unfair and brings her back to the world of color. “COLORIN” comes from a Venezuelan saying, “COLORIN COLORADO EL CUENTO SE HA ACABADO” (Color me in, finished coloring, the story has ended).